A Picture I Took By My Bus Stop (I will have to look up the name)

A Picture I Took By My Bus Stop (I will have to look up the name)
I think these are Clematis (but don't quote me!) - This picture was taken by my bus stop

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I'll Get the Hang of this One Day - Happy Sunday and Two Mini-Reviews

All:  This post was first written on on my Blackberry. I'm guessing it was at the height of the summer craziness that is my job.  I've since continued it to include my latest musings.   

Side note:  Even though I've yet to write that great American novel or find a home for my short stories, I will not give up until I do so.

Blackberry Post:
Allelujah! This is my first Blackberry blog post composed while riding on my bus on my way to work.  I didn't think it would be possible but I guess Blogger must have heard my silent pleas.

I have been making lots of new friends on Twitter. At first I wondered why I even joined. Wouldn't it be a time waster after all?  Once I got into it however, I saw what a valuable a service it is for writers everywhere!  It's been so inspiring following such wonderful writers like Tania Hershman, Vanessa Gebbie  (Vannesa has a new book out too - "The Coward's Tale" and I want to congratulate her and wish her much continued success!), Alessandra Bava and so many other wonderful writers, all over the world, who inspire and encourage each other to succeed.  There's too many to mention in this post (Hi Heather McCorkle and The Critique Sisters!!), but each one adds something to my writing life every day.  Please visit their blog, join them on Twitter and support them.      

I was also very excited when my friend Lorelei Bell joined me on Twitter. She's written a very funny, exciting mystery book called "Vampire Ascending" that grabs you from the very first page.  She does it the good old fashioned way by great characters, setting and a mystery that involves Vampires.  Yes they are among us.  Her sequel is being published as we speak "Vampire's Trill,"  that continues to delve into the mystery of Sabrina's life.  I can't wait to read it.  I know it's going to be a fun and exciting read.   Please follow her @LoreleiBell.  As I've mentioned before I'm not into Vampire literature but that Sabrina Strong is one special character in more ways than one!  The book is a mixture of mystery, supernatural and just fun girl-power that is sadly lacking in books today.  Go Lorelei! 

I've also met another wonderful writer @tglong (Terri Long) who's written the very insightful book "In Leah's Wake."  Anyone who lives with teenagers will be able to relate to it.  Thank God my son bypassed those very dangerous teenager years and has become a wonderful young man, but many lose their way.  As soon as I started reading it, I was captivated by the very believable and down to earth characters and the decision they must make to reclaim their lives.  I highly recommend it. Again, it was Kismet, fate or just a coincidence, but I'm working on a coming of age novel (protagonist is nine yrs old) and I've been doing as much research on the subject as possible. It's a very ecletic list, as you can see.

Caio for now.  Ci sentiamo presto.  Good Night


  1. Glad to see you're out there, girlfriend. Thanks for the kind words.
    I've got a new feature called Coffee Klatch Mondays, if you'd like to join in.
    Hope you have a great week!

  2. Dora Dee, it's good to see a post from you. Nice blog. I love Twitter too.

  3. Thanks ladies! I appreciate your support.
